Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte – NIHB Alert

Please be advised, as of June 29, 2020 Express Scripts Canada (ESC) has taken over the processing of Non Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Service Provider Agreements for Vision and Mental Health, as these benefits have been moved over into the Health Information Claims Processing  System (HICPS) that NIHB was using for Medical Supplies & Equipment supplies. 

It has been a struggle as many service providers thought the information being sent to them was a hoax and they chose to ignore the requests for them to contact ESC to sign up.  As of June 29, 2020, ESC has been experiencing an overload of service providers attempting to sign up as NIHB is not able to process Prior Approvals nor can the service provider be paid for any outstanding cases unless they are signed up.

If the service provider is having issues with not having their Service Provider Agreement completed so they can see Indigenous clients, they should immediately call 1-888-511-4666.


For clients who have questions regarding ESC they can call 1-888-441-4777 and speak directly with an ESC Representative.


If the service provisder or client Googles ‘Express Scripts Canada’ they would see it.  The official website with a portal for both service providers and clients to register is listed here:

Hopefully the service provider(s) can obtain their information quickly as NIHB does not want to see clients pay out-of-pocket for their visits & supplies and then find it necessary to have to send into NIHB for client reimbursement.

Thank you,

NIHB Program Delivery Staff