
The Employment and Training unit assists MBQ members on and off the Territory with co-ordinating and developing career and training strategies using programs of local service providers.  The unit focuses on career development initiatives such as career counselling, resume and cover letter writing skills and locating funding for training.


The MBQ Employment & Training unit works in partnership with the Aboriginal Labour Market Circle and Kagita Mikam Aboriginal Employment and Training to increase labour force participation of MBQ community members, on and off territory.

The objectives of the Employment & Training unit are to:

• Prepare individuals for entry or re-entry into the workforce
• Provide access to skills development opportunities
• Facilitate workforce mobility and relocation
• Provide information necessary for making informed career choices

Programs & Services


Career Counselling

Employment & Training can assist people on their career path, from beginning to end.  If the client is undecided about their preferred career path, the unit can direct them to assessments to identify their career and skill strengths (career assessment referral).  Once a suitable career path is chosen by the client, the unit can help determine if any additional training is necessary, and where it is offered.  The unit also assists unemployed individuals in becoming self-employed through the start up of their own business.

Job Search Assistance

Job seekers have access to a computer, printer, internet, a job board, career assessments, labour market information, apprenticeship registration information and skills development funding programs.

Financial Assistance for Skills Development

Upon assessment, eligible individuals may have access to job start up assistance (i.e. PPE, work boots), funding for education and training programs, project based funding for increasing labour force participation, and self-employment assistance.

The unit facilitates a targeted wage subsidy, where a portion of the wages are provided to employers.  This initiative is employer driven.


Resume and Cover Letter Writing

Employment & Training can work with their clients to write and improve their resume and cover letter writing skills.  This enables the client to best portray their skills and qualities to future employers.


Career Action Planning & Return to Learning Planning