The Tyendinaga Mohawk Council and Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte would like to congratulate MBQ Water Operator Ben Brant on his recent award of Water Operator of the Year from the Aboriginal Water and Wastewater Association of Ontario. The achievement was awarded on February 26th, 2020.
Working at the Water Treatment Plant on Ridge Road, Ben has been a vital part of ensuring our community has accessible, clean water. We are proud to see all Water Treatment Plant employees maintaining our water plant and distribution to the highest standards, with the assistance of OCWA.
The AWWAO website states “Each year we give the chance for our members and their respective communities to nominate a water or wastewater operator who has provided outstanding service in their community.”
TMC is very proud to have Ben recognized as Operator of the Year.
MBQ has also won the award for Water Cup Taste Test Challenge. This award is described by AWWAO as follows: “Each year our operators may bring a 4L container of treated water from their community. A selected panel of judges then takes all the containers handed in, and tastes them all for various factors.”
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