MAY 4, 2021
A special meeting of the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council was held on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 1:00 a.m. via Microsoft Team Conferencing.
Present: Chief R. Donald Maracle
Councilors: Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, Lynda Leween, Josh Hill and
Kelly Maracle
Staff: David Souliere, CAO; Angela Maracle, Senior Director of Operations; Shelley Bowden, Executive Administrative Assistant and Recording Secretary to Council; Seizal Kapadia, Director of Finance; Tom Kring, Director of Housing & BPM; Scott Maracle, Fire Chief; Brittany Brant, Nurse in Charge; Nicole Pickard, Daycare Manager; Mike Hill, Busing Manager; Susan Barberstock, Director of Community Wellbeing; Lisa Maracle, Director of Community Services; Lorrie Maracle, HR Advisor; Mike Brant, HPEDSB Trustee;
Brittany provided the COVID-19 Stats.
Everyone left at 1:16 p.m.
Council, David Souliere, Angela Maracle, Susan Barberstock, Brittany Brant, Nicole Pickard and Lorrie Maracle continue with a discussion regarding the Eksa’okon:’a Childcare Centre re-opening and completing a survey to go out to the parents.
MOTION #1: Moved by Josh Hill, seconded by Lynda Leween to approve the Eksa’okon:’a Childcare Centre remain closed until May 20, 2021. The staff will provide a report on the reopening and the situation will be revisited before May 20, 2021.
MOTION #2: Moved by Lynda Leween, seconded by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle that this meeting go into private. (2:30 p.m.)
Recorded by:
Shelley Bowden
Executive Administrative Assistant and Recording Secretary to Council
Chief R. Donald Maracle
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