2019 Council Elections

List of candidates as they will appear on the ballots

Candidates names to appear on Ballot_MBQ 2019

Hill Balin (Spiderman)
Loft, Stacia
Maracle, R. Donald
Miracle, Karoniakeshon

Brant, Chase Ryan Samson “Ogwari”
Hill, Josh
Leween, Lynda
Maracle, Carl (Ted)
Maracle, Chris M.
Maracle, Kelly (Brant)


Polling Notice

Notice is hereby given to the Electors of the Tyendinaga Mohawks (MBQ) that a Poll will be held to elect a Chief and four (4) Councillors on the 7th day of December 2019, from nine o’clock (9:00) a.m. until eight o’clock (8:00) p.m. at the:

Quinte Mohawk School
1624 York Road
Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory


Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte


Candidates have until Thurs, Oct 31, 2019 to withdraw their name from the Ballot

CHIEF Candidates Nominator Seconder
Hill, Balin (Spiderman) Hill, Catherine Simmons, Ada J.
Loft, Stacia Maracle, Darlene Vincent, Debra
Maracle, R. Donald Brant, Ronald Leslie Brant, Margaret M.
Miracle, Karoniakeshon Miracle, Zechariah Miracle, Isaiah


COUNCILLOR Candidates Nominator Seconder
Brant, Chase (Ogwari) Brant, Leah Brant, James E.
Brant, Kathleen Maracle, Kelly Brant, Leah
Hill, Josh Sero, Keith Maracle-Whalen, Delores
Leween, Lynda Lloyd, Devon Leween, Ainsley
Loft, Manson LaVecque, Carol LaVecque, Terry
Maracle, Carl Ted Barnhardt, Carla Maracle, Debra
Maracle, Chris M. Turcotte, Rose Turcotte, Evelyn
Maracle, Kelly (Brant) Ferrante, Erin Brant, Leah


Get In Touch

IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO BE PRESENT ON DECEMBER 7, 2019 TO VOTE, you can contact the Electoral officer at the information below to make arrangements for a mail-in ballot.

Electoral Officer

Vaughn Johnston
P. O. Box 101, SSM
Sault Ste Marie, ON
P6A 5L2


P.O. Box 35
Sault Ste Marie, MI

toll free call: 1-866-2867130
text: 1-705-849-8072
email: vaughn_johnston@hotmail.com