Environmental Community Health
Trawling in the Bay of Quinte
Please be advised that you may notice a large vessel trawling the Bay of Quinte the next two days as surveys are conducted for the health of our walleye community.
Coastal Wetland Monitoring
Please be advised that Coastal Wetland Monitoring will be taking place tomorrow, as long as there is no rain or high winds. This monitoring is to check on vegetation and water quality in Airport Creek and Lower Sucker Creek.
Blue Green Algae
The Environment is a gift and it is our responsibility as caretakers to protect it. A healthy environment means healthy people. Honouring diversity, respecting creations life-cycle, embracing our interconnectedness to creation and practicing Kanyen’kehaka traditional beliefs and using the Ohenton Karihwate’hkwen as our guide are the foundation of a healthy and sustainable community for future generations.
Background goes here
Key Messages
Environmental Community Health Representative is responsible for:
- Oversees the Drinking Water Safety Program
- Collection of residential and business water samples as required
- Collection of quarterly samples at all designate service buildings
- Yearly collection of all designate facilities (schedule 23 & 24)
- Testing and monitoring of all community distribution systems, cisterns etc.
- Review and Interpretation of water results according to the Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines
- Septic system inspections to ensure compliance to the building code
- Housing inspections related to Health and Safety issues ( eg. Mold, Air Quality and pests/rodents etc.)
- Volunteer Food Premise Inspections for Restaurant owners providing education on best practices for food handling
- Annual Facility inspections, health centers, day cares, recreational facilities
Programs & Services
West Nile Monitoring Program
The West Nile Surveillance program has been monitoring mosquito’s in Ontario since 2003. All First nations in Southern Ontario participate each year with Health Canada. To date no positive mosquito pools have been reported in Tyendinaga.
- Collection begins in June and ends in September
- 4 Location are chosen throughout the Territory every Monday and collected on Tuesdays
- Canada post provides delivery to accredited laboratories for testing
Tick Surveillance Program
Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium, that is normally carried by small mammals such as mice. It can be passed to humans when ticks feed on infected animals, become infected themselves and then bite people. Lyme disease is spread by the bite of certain species of ticks. In Ontario, it is the blacklegged tick (often called a deer tick).
- Health Canada offers a program that tests ticks that are submitted.
- Contact the Env. CHR if you find a tick
Septic Systems
Building? Before installing a septic system, preliminary forms can be obtained within the department. Please call for details and to ensure you receive an informational kit on proper procedures for installations.
Choose a contractor of your choice; the contactor and homeowner are responsible for the work that is to be completed. It is your best interest for a legal document or an agreement to be drawn up to ensure all parties are aware of what is expected. Always ensure your contractor has a MOE license to install your septic system.
Once a contractor is chosen and the preliminary form is filled out, you are to make arrangements with the department to ensure Health Canada provides visual and written approval. Please keep in mind Health Canada visits Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory once per week.
Note: The best thing you can do for your septic system is what you do in the bathroom…… other products that are advertised stating their product will “help your system”, actually won’t help at all – if anything those chemicals can cause more damage to your tank. Adding special additives to your tank or toilet is not advisable or recommended.
Remember do not plant trees or deep rooted vegetation on your leaching bed and DO NOT put anything on the top of the leaching bed other than yourself and possibly a lawn tractor when cutting grass, NOTHING ELSE.
Dog Bite Investigations
Domestic animal bites that occur are reported from the hospital which the victim was examined by. Contact is made to victims upon receiving report from hospital/public health unit. Details are collected and reviewed with appropriate parties involved including a follow up investigation.
- Contact is made with victims and the animal owner
- Investigations are conducted through reports and findings i.e. proof of vaccination records
- Quarantine of animal(s)
- Follow up after 10 days
Bird Surveillance Program
Health Canada offers a bird surveillance program in conjunction with the West Nile Surveillance program. Birds to be submitted are as follows: Crows, Blue Jays, Ravens.
Other birds of interest can be submitted if found suspiciously dead and/or clusters of dead birds.
- Dead birds should be reported to discuss situation of findings
- Collection by Environmental CHR and safety procedures followed for collection
- Submission for analysis to an accredited laboratory
Bird Surveillance Program
Health Canada offers a bird surveillance program in conjunction with the West Nile Surveillance program. Birds to be submitted are as follows: Crows, Blue Jays, Ravens.
Other birds of interest can be submitted if found suspiciously dead and/or clusters of dead birds.
- Dead birds should be reported to discuss situation of findings
- Collection by Environmental CHR and safety procedures followed for collection
- Submission for analysis to an accredited laboratory
Annual Rabies Clinic
We encourage you to have your animal vaccinated against rabies, to better ensure human and animal safety throughout the Territory. The annual rabies clinic takes place every October in partnership with Bay Regional Veterinary Hospital. The clinic is a minimal cost per animal.