Tyendinaga Business Day – June 14, 2024
NEW DATE: Building Your Business
Building Your Business Ideas
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Historically, the Economic Development department has worked with and provided support to businesses within the Community. While this is still a focus, the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte (MBQ) is also looking to attract businesses to the area.
Key Messages
Economic Development plays a key role in expanding the opportunities for the members and the overall community in achieving First Nations goals.
In order to achieve these goals MBQ will look further than the borders of our community and work in partnership with organizations having the vision to appreciate the resources in place on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.
In addition, MBQ will optimize the opportunities available from both levels of government and private sector organizations.
Economic Development has two main functions:
– To provide area businesses with registration support and economic guidance. This program provides direction to area businesses with regards to funding availability, tobacco quota requirements, and business plan preparation.
– To actively identify business opportunities that will have value and longevity for the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte members and community at-large. These business opportunities, for the most part, will be larger in scope and have a greater potential for member and non-member employment. This focus will be in keeping with our Greater Bay of Quinte area partners and associations.
Associations and Memberships:
Bay of Quinte Regional Marketing Board
Programs & Services
Tobacco Quotas
Economic Development also oversees the allotment of tobacco quotas for businesses on the Territory.
Registered businesses can be approved by Tyendinaga Mohawk Council to have an allocation of tobacco. The amount of tobacco allocated is dependent on the number of businesses on the Territory requesting tobacco and the number of shares available as allotted by the government (Example: 100,000 total available tobacco cartons /100 businesses = 1000 tobacco cartons to each business).
Tobacco allocation monies support the Tyendinaga Community Development Fund. In order to sell tobacco, business on the Territory are subjected to annual inspections by MBQ, and must meet a set of criteria.
Business Loans
Funding sources are available to Aboriginal owned, on-Territory businesses for start up and further development. The Bank of Montreal offers a loan program where Tyendinaga Mohawk Council can decide to guarantee 70% of each loan.
Business Directory & Registration
The Economic Development Unit registers and maintains a list of all businesses on the Territory. Currently there are approximately 150 registered businesses on the Territory. Businesses can register with MBQ by filling out an application form, which is then approved by Tyendinaga Mohawk Council. For a business to maintain its registered status, it must comply with a set of guidelines established by TMC and renew their registration periodically.