Band Property Maintenance
Heating and HRV Unit Maintenance Delayed
Shannonville Boat Launch Dock Removal
Please be advised that the docks at the Shannonville Boat Launch will be removed for the season next week. As a result, this boat launch will be CLOSED as of Monday, November 4, 2024. We appreciate your co-operation with this seasonal closure and dock removal....
Seasonal Playground Closure
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The Elders Lodge
The Tyendinaga Elder’s Lodge is a secure ground level building containing 24 apartments for community elders (age 65+) or members with disabilities (55+). Each apartment is fitted with safety equipment and an alarm. All are accessed through a main front door from which visitors can call to an apartment to be given access. There is a large common room for special occasions with a small kitchen, or just visiting with other residents.

Karon hiak ta’kie Sport Complex
The Karon hiak ta’kie Sport Complex houses two ball diamonds, a skate park, lacrosse box and children’s playground as well as a canteen. If you wish to book the ball diamonds or lacrosse box please contact Cassie Thompson, Recreation Activator at 613-967-0122.

Mohawk Community Centre
The Mohawk Community Centre is a two floor building situated at 1807 York Road on the Territory. The building is accessed for a variety of events, workshops and is the location of the communities annual Mohawk Fair, Christmas Craft Show and Artfest.
Upper floor, maximum capacity is 289 people. There are washrooms and a small kitchenette with bar refrigerators. The lower floor, maximum capacity is 305 people. This floor also has washrooms and a full kitchen (additional fees for rental apply for kitchen rental).
For bookings please contact the Housing Department at the Mohawk Administration Office, 613-396-3424.
Programs & Services
Grass Cutting
Grass Cutting
Rental Repairs
Service Desc
Service Desc
Snow Removal
Service Desc
Service Desc