MBQ Grocery Store Survey

Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Chief and Council are looking at business opportunities that benefit members, takes advantage of the unique area the community is located in, and is economically viable and environmentally sustainable. Over the next several months, Chief and Council will be considering a plan that will offer access to groceries through a corporate/chain retailer on-territory at locally competitive prices.

Information and data collection is important and a necessary part of the planning process for a business venture and your input is needed. We are asking community members to complete this questionnaire so we can have some idea of the type of grocery store that would enhance and benefit community members.

This questionnaire will take between 5-10 minutes to complete and check the boxes that apply to you and/or your family. In addition, there are some demographic information requested at the end of the questionnaire and it’s hoped you will feel comfortable enough to share that information as well. All responses will be aggregated into an overall summary and no individual responses will be used or published.

Nyá:wen for your time and input.
