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It's important to remember to keep us in the loop if your contact information changes or if a loved one who is a member passes away. Please reach out to our membership team to ensure all information is up-to-date. Appointments can be made by contacting: Bonnie Maracle...


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Indian Status Website:

The membership department assists with applications for status under the Indian Act as well as assisting with the renewal of SCIS and CIS cards.


Bonnie Maracle

Membership Clerk– 613-396-3424 x 110

Bonny (Bear) Maracle

Administrative Support – 613-396-3424 x 132

Programs & Services

Certificate of Indian Status


The Membership office issues Certificate of Indian Status (CIS) cards. If you have a lost card or require a new or updated card, please visit the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Community Services Program (24 Meadow Drive) during business hours (Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.). Children 15 years of age and under or dependent adults will need to be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

CIS Card application instructions and required documents:

16 & Older
Must provide two pieces of ID
One piece of ID and Guarantor Declaration

15 & Younger
Must have one piece of ID of parent or legal guardian and one piece of ID for child
One piece of ID of parent or legal guardian and one Guarantor Declaration
IMPORTANT – If the legal guardian is applying on behalf of the child, a copy of the legal guardianship order naming the guardian is mandatory. Check IRS: This information may already be in the system.

Certificate of Birth or Baptism
Health Card
Provincial ID Card
Driver’s License
Employee ID, with digitized photo
Student ID, with digitized photo
Firearms License
Old Status Card (cannot be expired for more than 6 months)
Passport/Nexus Card (counts as two pieces of ID – another piece is not required)

A Guarantor must have known the applicant for a minimum of two years.

Holder of a valid SCIS (who was 16 years of age or older when he/she applied for the card)
Dentist, medical doctor, optometrist, pharmacist, registered nurse or chiropractor
Judge, magistrate, police officer
Minister of religion
Lawyer, Notary Public
Professional Accountant
Social Worker

Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS)

The SCIS is intended to have the following added benefits:

Regular SCIS – Enables you to obtain services and benefits conferred exclusively to registered Indians (e.g. health benefits)
Border Crossing SCIS – Used to obtain services and benefits conferred exclusively to registered Indians AND can be used as a border crossing document for entry into the United States by land and water ports-of-entry.
INAC Secure Certificate of Indian Status can now be renewed via mail. The INAC forms are available online

Registering for status under the Indian Act

You will require:

Original long form birth certificate and the proper application form which all can be found online