Upgrades to Kanhiote Public Library Steps and Retaining Wall Coming Soon
Please be advised that the installation of a new retaining wall and stairs at the Kanhiote Public Library will begin very soon. Access to the library and parking lot will be impacted. Dates to follow.
Early Library Closure Wednesday, March 6
Kanhiote Website
Kanhiote Facebook Page
Kanhiote Library provides resources to encourage cultural awareness, personal growth, independent learning and increases the ability of community members to cope with peer, social, economic, environmental and technological change.
Kanhiote serves as the community’s information centre, as well as offering a friendly, welcoming place for the community to come together.
Kanhiote Library serves all people in the community in their roles as individuals or as members of organizations.
Kanhiote participates with other libraries in resource sharing agreements in order to provide a range of information.
Kanhiote plans and develops services in response to the needs of the community.
Programs & Services
Beading Group
This program is a chance to learn some new skills, advance current skills, as well as have some fun! Takes place every Thursday evening at 6 p.m..
Genealogy Group
2nd Monday of each month at 5 p.m..
Please call 613-967-6264 for more information on our tutoring services.
Kids Programming
Please contact for information: 613-967-6264
Knitting/Crochet Group
Join our group each Wednesday afternoon to inspire and motivate each other!
No instructor, no fees, no pressure – just fun & support!
NEW TIME: 1-3 p.m.
Call Kelly-Anne at 613-967-6264
Family Activity Drop-In Nights
Brought to you by Kanhiote Library and the Family Well-Being Program.