Non-Insured Health Benefits
The Non-Insured Health Benefits Program within the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte (MBQ) administration has been in place for over 25 years. This community program’s role was deemed an immediate necessity after a large number of community members identified as having significant difficulties navigating the health and medical services landscape in search of access to optimum health care. The decision by Tyendinaga Mohawk Council to provide a direct communication link between NIHB and the members of MBQ was established as a definite community investment. The MBQ NIHB program will provide support and advocacy for community members seeking health and medical services with NIHB funding coverage.
Canadian Dental Care Plan & NIHB
Here is some Information on the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) – Starting with Seniors • The Canadian Dental Care Plan and the NIHB program both cover a broad and similar range of dental services • There is no change to how First Nations and Inuit access dental...
CWC Program Information Fair
NOTICE: NIHB Discontinuing Chiropractic Payment
Key Contacts
Main NIHB Website:
NIHB Client Contact Line: 1-800-640-0642 (toll-free)
NOTE: If a MBQ member resides outside of the Province of Ontario, they may need to contact their local regional NIHB Office to co-ordinate health/medical services with that particular provincial or territorial health system.
Indigenous Services Canada delivers the NIHB Program by providing funding coverage for a specified range of medically necessary health-related goods and services. This federal program is for eligible First Nations and Inuit clients in a co-ordinated effort with other social programs, private insurance plans and provincial or territorial health insurance. It is also very important to note that all possible health funding avenues must be explored and exhausted first as this federal funding program is deemed the payer of last resort. The program works as a local advocacy and information resource for First Nations individuals to have more knowledge of the health/medical system and a stronger understanding of their own role when accessing personal health, wellbeing and medical services. This program is designed to improve access to NIHB for registered First Nations by working alongside them with health workers, service providers and a network of health/medical facilities. The program will constantly continue to identify community service issues, address NIHB policy barriers and ensure these challenges are documented and brought before the required individual or department for review.
Benefits Breakdown
Dental Benefits
The federal dental benefit covers dental services including diagnostic, preventive, restorative, endodontic, periodontal, prosthodontic, oral surgery, orthodontic and adjunctive services.
Medical Supplies and Equipment
The MS&E lists contain the products and services provided as eligible benefits by the NIHB Program, along with information pertaining to benefit codes, requirements for prior approval and applicable frequency limitations.
Mental Health Services
The program covers mental health counseling to provide support for an immediate mental health need. This is part of federal mental wellness programs for First Nations and Inuit members. These programs are linked to localized services provided by communities, provinces and territories.
Vision Care
The objective of the NIHB Program vision care benefit is to provide eligible clients with access to vision care benefits and services in a fair, equitable and cost-effective manner.
Medical Transportation
Medical transportation benefits are funded to assist First Nations clients in accessing medically required health services that cannot be obtained on the First Nation or in the community where the First Nations member permanently resides when access would otherwise be denied. Exceptions may be granted with justification and with First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) approval to meet exceptional needs.
Medications & Pharmacy
The Drug Benefit List (DBL) is a listing of the medications and therapies provided as a pharmacy benefit by the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Program. The listed medications and therapies are those primarily used in a home or ambulatory setting. A prescription from a licensed practitioner is required for any listed medication or therapy to be processed as a federal benefit. A licensed practitioner is an individual that is authorized to prescribe medications within the scope of medical practice in their province or territory.