Community Health
Norovirus is once again making the rounds. Please see some information below from Community Health regarding what Norovirus is, how it's spread, symptoms and how you can protect yourself!
Have a Safe and Healthy Holiday
Here are some helpful tips and reminders to stay safe and healthy throughout the Christmas holidays!
2024 Rabies Vaccination Clinic
Community Health's 2024 Rabies Vaccine Clinic will be held Monday, November 4 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Mohawk Community Centre! Micro-chipping and a Rabies vaccine is available for $60, rabies vaccine only for $25 or micro-chip only for $45 per animal. Nail trims will...
The Community Health Program provides services to all community members (status and non-status, on and off reserve) of all ages throughout the lifespan.
- The Community Health Program provides services to all community members (status and non-status, on and off reserve) from prenatal to end of life. The goal of Community Health is to promote and preserve the health of the community through a focus on health promotion and illness prevention. Community Health on reserve is similar to Public Health Unit programming off reserve. Our program consists of:
– 1 Community Health Nurse In Charge (CHNIC) who is also the Community Health Program Manager
– 1 Community Health Nurse (CHN)
– 3 Community Health Representatives (CHR)
– 1 Medical Transportation Co-ordinator
– 1 Non-Insured Health Benefits Analyst
– 1 Nursing Clerk
– 1 Chiropodist
Programs & Services
Health Awareness
We provide health awareness and disease prevention to the community through some of the following:
- Weight, blood pressure (Hypertension info flyer), and blood sugar checks at the Diner’s Club on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month
- Cholesterol monitoring at the Community Wellbeing Centre – call for an appointment
- Influenza Bulletin, health fairs, workshops and information delivery as needed.
- Prenatal Classes – offered each spring and fall
Diabetic Services
- Foot care for people with diabetes provided by a chiropodist
- Diabetes Nurse Educator and registered dietician services available to those who have been diagnosed with diabetes
- Diabetes Wellness Circle – meetings usually held the 2nd Tues of each month, running from 7 – 9 p.m.
Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program
The goal of the Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program-First Nations and Inuit Component (CPNP-FNIC) is to improve maternal and infant nutritional health. Monthly Food VOUCHERS are offered to women during pregnancy. For more information, contact the community health nurses who can outline the program.
Publicly-funded routine immunization including infant, childhood, school based and adult immunizations.