Ontario Works
Angel Tree Ready for 2023
You can now pick an angel off this year's Angel Tree! It's in the reception area of the health side of the Community Wellbeing Centre. Please note that they will need to be returned by end of day Monday, November 6. If you have any questions, please contact Christina...
Christmas Hamper Registration Now Open
CWC Program Information Fair
“Thank you for all your help with our matters. We sincerely believe that you have made a world of difference in our situation.”
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte began delivering Ontario Works (OW) on Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory in 1998 to band members only. Prior to OW, MBQ provided General Welfare Assistance, also to band members only. In 2009, MBQ began issuing social assistance (OW) to ALL residents of the territory who qualified, regardless of their band status.
Ontario Works can be reached by calling 613-967-0122
Text Line: 613-885-4268
Related Links
The Social Services / Ontario Works office can provide assistance to Tyendinaga community members on program information and requirements, assess eligibility and assist in preparing applications, create a participation agreement, identify financial benefits and provide family support services.
Financial assistance includes:
Programs & Services
Employment Services
Self-Development Workshops to increase confidence, self esteem and to focus on self-development that may lead to the removal of barriers to employment.
Supports for Education and Training – some training allowances are exempt under OW as income to allow for the continuation of the support of OW while further education or training is pursued to increase success rate.
Employment Benefits – benefits are available to OW recipients to assist with work clothing/equipment, transportation, licensing fees etc..
Soft Skills Training – workshops are offered to improve communication, problem solving, time management, interpersonal skills, work ethic etc.. Some skill specific training is available (forklift operator training, WHMIS, CPR/EFA, G1 drivers license support, fall arrest certification, etc.).
Other services – child care subsidies, transportation fees, medical transportation and referrals to appropriate programs or agencies.