Harvest Letter of Permission
If you plan on harvesting within Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, you must get a written letter of permission from the Chief R. Donald Maracle. The letter must include:
(1) Your name and status number;
(2) Your address and First Nation;
(3) The species and quantity of fish or game authorized;
(4) The geographical area where permission is granted;
(5) The timeframe in which it may be harvested;
You must carry the letter and your status card with you and produce it, if requested, to a Conservation Officer.
To download an application form for a Harvesting Permission Letter, click the orange button above ↑
To submit your Letters of Permission Appliaction form, or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Steven Lindsay-Maracle at research@mbq-tmt.org or 613-396-3424 ext. 115.
**please note that you are also required to have a valid Possession and Acquisitions License**