Diabetes Education
Tyendinaga’s Diabetes Education Team, through the Ontario Diabetes Strategy, consists of a Diabetes Nurse Educator, Registered Dietician and Registered Social Service Worker, all of whom are located at the Community Wellbeing Centre. The team’s approach is to look at diabetes holistically while providing education through hands on learning (cooking classes), individual, group and family sessions.
Programs & Services
One-on-One Diabetes Education
Group Education
Family Sessions
Cooking Classes
Diabetes Care Kits
Ontario Telemedicine Network
The Ontario Diabetes Strategy is funded through the Ministry of Health. The ultimate goal of the ODS is to ensure that people affected by diabetes will receive the necessary healthcare services they require to maintain good health and lead productive lives. The focus of our team is to provide assessment, education and follow-up needs to anyone with type 2 diabetes.
To access the team – Our education team will take referrals from physicians, nurse practitioners or anyone on your health team! You can also set up your own appointment by giving us a call.
Diabetes Disease
CDC- Center for Disease Control website
NADA National Aboriginal Diabetes Association website
NIDDK National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Managing Diabetes in the Summer/Heat
Indigenous Health Circle (formerly SOADI)
Navigating a Diabetes Diagnosis: How to Manage Mental and Physical Health
APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/diabetes-canada-podcast/id1269260806
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/0UHHjWuKfpE6fbJqKDAA8L
Diabetes Core ADA Podcast: https://www.diabetesjournals.org/content/diabetes-core-update-podcasts
APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/diabetes-core-update/id501572453
NIHB Test Strips
Diabetes & Stress
For managing diabetes: FREE, although there are in-app purchases that will eliminate ads.
Apps can be useful in tracking and revealing patterns in glucose management. These are suggestions – the apps may not work for you, so it is important to try others if you are unsatisfied as there may be a better fit.