The Mohawk Administration Office does not endorse or promote any water treatment company selling their product though community door-to-door canvassing or advertising.
Should any company provide solicitation on your property and advise homeowners their product was pre-approved by the Band Office/Administration Office please note, this is false information.
If you choose to allow the company access to your premises and allow the company to provide information regarding your water quality, that is your choice as the property and homeowner.
The chemical makeup of each water supply varies; not one product is right for everyone’s various types of water supply. Always remember water companies visiting your property have invested interest in you purchasing their product and in most cases sales people can be very convincing. MBQ can test many parameters of water quality to verify the water’s safety and/or make recommendations for remedy.
If you wish to have your water tested for various parameters please contact the Environment Department (Water Quality services) within the Administration Office to arrange an appointment at your convenience at no cost to homeowner. Each situation may require further details for each water analysis.
If you have any questions or require further information please feel free to contact:
Liz Brant
24 Meadow Dr
Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
Ontario, K0K1X0
(P) 613-396-3424 (F) 613-396-3627
The Mohawk Administration Office does not endorse or promote any water treatment company selling their product though community door-to-door canvassing or advertising.