Invasive Species – Grass Carp
April 11, 2019

On September 14th, a fisherman captured a single Grass Carp in the Bayof Quinte near Big Island.

Grass Carp are one of four species of invasive Asian Carp. For more information on Grass Carp see the following website:

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Lake Ontario Management Unit, will be conducting further searches on the Bay; including, the shoreline of Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. They will be utilizing nets for their search.

If anyone captures a Grass Carp (like the one in this image), please do not discard back into the Bay and contact Nicole Storms at (613) 396-3424 ext. 125 or Andy Todd, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, at (613) 476-3147.