Tyendinaga Mohawk Council Minutes
APRIL 21, 2021
A meeting of the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council was held on Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers via Microsoft Team Conferencing.
Present: Chief R. Donald Maracle
Councilors: Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, Lynda Leween, Kelly Maracle and
Josh Hill joined at 10:00 a.m.
Staff: Angela Maracle, Senior Director of Operations; Shelley Bowden, Executive Administrative Assistant and Recording Secretary to Council; Seizal Kapadia, Director of Finance joined for the discussion regarding MBQ’s Investments;
David Souliere, CAO, absent due to illness.
Dug Stevenson, Bay of Quinte Marketing Board attended to provide a presentation on an update of the activities last year and what is being planned for this year.
MOTION #1: Moved by Kelly Maracle, seconded by Lynda Leween to acknowledge the presentation from Dug Stevenson, Bay of Quinte Marketing Board and approve that MBQ will continue to participate.
Mark Macdonald, BMO Nesbitt Burns attended to discuss MBQ’s investments.
MOTION #2: Moved by Kelly Maracle, seconded by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle to acknowledge the presentation of the MBQ investments with the Bank of Montreal, Nesbitt Burns as presented by Mark Macdonald and to continue the investments in the current portfolios.
MOTION #3: Moved by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, seconded Kelly Maracle by that the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council Minutes of March 24, 2021 be approved.
MOTION #4: Moved by Kelly Maracle, seconded by Lynda Leween that the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council Local Business Minutes of March 31, 2021 be approved.
MOTION #5: Moved by Kelly Maracle, seconded by Lynda Leween that the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council Minutes of April 7, 2021 be approved.
MOTION #6: Moved by Kelly Maracle, seconded by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle that the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council Special Minutes of April 14, 2021 be approved.
Council confirmed the following scheduled meetings:
- April 23, 2021 – Iroquois Caucus
- April 28, 2021 – 7:00 p.m. – Tyendinaga Mohawk Council Local Business
MOTION #7: Moved by Kelly Maracle, seconded by Lynda Leween to schedule the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council May and June 2021 Meetings as:
Regular: May 5 & 19 at 9:30 a.m.
Local Business: May 12, & 26 at 7:00 p.m.
Regular: June 2, 14 & 30 at 9:30 a.m.
Local Business: June 9 & 23 at 7:00 p.m.
MOTION # 8: Moved by Kelly Maracle, seconded by Lynda Leween to acknowledge the Human Resources Report.
MOTION #9: Moved by Kelly Maracle, seconded by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle to pay the Derick Wong invoice #826 in the amount of $17,400.00 regarding MBQ Economic Development Ventures.
MOTION #10: Moved by Kelly Maracle, seconded by Lynda Leween to pay the Andrea St. Bernard Invoice #2111 in the amount of $16,096.70 regarding MBQ Economic Development Ventures.
MOTION #11: Moved by Kelly Maracle, seconded by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle to pay the Alan Pratt invoice #5874 in the amount of $3,116.20 regarding Culbertson Tract Land Claim and #5878 in the amount of $658.50 regarding Turton Penn Loss of Use.
MOTION #12: Moved by Kelly Maracle, seconded by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle to acknowledge the MBQ Bank Accounts Report.
MOTION #13: Moved by Kelly Maracle, seconded by Lynda Leween to approve a 3 month temporary Business Registration for Bayshore Woodworks and Design, owner Megan Hill.
MOTION #14: Moved by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, seconded by Lynda Leween that WHEREAS Hydro One Networks Inc. (“Hydro One”) distributes electricity to various communities in Ontario;
WHEREAS Hydro One conducts a vegetation maintenance program within its electrical system corridors for the purpose of pruning and removing dead, dying, diseased or leaning trees and removal of brush that could impact or interfere with the electrical system (“Vegetation Maintenance Program”);
WHEREAS Hydro One wishes to enter into a fixed price contract with the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte to perform services with respect to the Hydro One Vegetation Maintenance Program (“Fixed Price Contract”)
WHEREAS the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte acting on behalf of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, understand the rights and obligations set out in the Fixed Price Contract, and agree to uphold the terms and conditions contained therein;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council approve the Fixed Price Contract and authorize Chief R. Donald Maracle to sign the Fixed Price Contract on behalf of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte. M.C.R. 2021/22-006.
MOTION #15: Moved by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, seconded by Kelly Maracle to acknowledge the Iroquois Caucus Financial for 2021.
MOTION #16: Moved by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, seconded by Lynda Leween to approve XCG Consulting complete the Peer Review of the S02 Emissions at the Lennox Generating Station as recommended.
MOTION #17: Moved by Kelly Maracle, seconded by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle to approve option 1 to engaging with PEC’s Council for a joint annual session meeting in June of 2021 and to develop a MOU to address a new era of culture and economic cooperation between the TMC and PEC’s Council as recommended.
MOTION #18: Moved by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, seconded by Kelly Maracle to acknowledge the OFNLP2008 Funding decline in funding and request a projections report for the next 5 years due to the loss of revenue.
MOTION #19: Moved by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, seconded by Kelly Maracle to approve scheduling a meeting with staff and MNP regarding the Tyendinaga Police Services Capacity Assessment Proposal, on April 28, 2021 at 2:30 p.m.
MOTION #20: Moved by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, seconded by Lynda Leween that this meeting go into private. (3:19 p.m.)
Recorded by:
Shelley Bowden
Executive Administrative Assistant and Recording Secretary to Council
Chief R. Donald Maracle
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