Tyendinaga Mohawk Council Minutes
APRIL 28, 2021
A special meeting of the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council was held on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 at 2:30 a.m. via Microsoft Team Conferencing.
Present: Chief R. Donald Maracle
Councilors: Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, Lynda Leween, Josh Hill and
Kelly Maracle
Staff: David Souliere, CAO; Angela Maracle, Senior Director of Operations; Shelley Bowden, Executive Administrative Assistant and Recording Secretary to Council
MOTION #1: Moved by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, seconded by Lynda Leween to approve the contract with Cambium Inc to complete the Fuel Contamination Delineation Assessment at Old Hwy #2 in the amount of $23,435.00. The business responsible has agreed to reimburse MBQ these costs.
MOTION #2: Moved by Lynda Leween, seconded by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle that this meeting go into private. (4:07 p.m.)
Recorded by:
Shelley Bowden
Executive Administrative Assistant and Recording Secretary to Council
Chief R. Donald Maracle
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