Tyendinaga Mohawk Council Minutes

May 18, 2021


A special meeting of the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council was held on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 3:45 p.m. via Microsoft Teams video conferencing to discuss options for re-opening the Eksa’okón:’a Childcare Centre.


Present:                  Chief R. Donald Maracle

Councillors: Josh Hill, Lynda Leween, Carl E. (Ted) Maracle and Kelly Maracle


Staff: David Souliere, CAO; Angela Maracle, Senior Director of Operations; Susan Barberstock, Director of Community Wellbeing; Heather Green, Director of Education; Brittany Brant, Community Health Nurse-in-Charge; and Nicole Pickard, Eksa’okón:’a Childcare Program Manager (joined 4:05 p.m.)


Council reviewed a briefing note regarding options for re-opening the Eksa’okón:’a Childcare Centre.


MOTION #1:           Moved by Josh Hill, seconded by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle to approve option #1 where the Eksa’okón:’a Childcare Centre staff return to work on May 20, 2021 to prepare the Centre with additional safety measures to re-open childcare services on May 25, 2021.



Action Item:  Additional information is requested on whether cohorts may be an option if COVID-19 cases increase resulting in future stay-at-home orders.  Ted Maracle asked for the policy or procedure on what is to be done if there is an outbreak and make sure this is shared with those that may be impacted.


MOTION #2:           Moved by Josh Hill, seconded by Lynda Leween to adjourn. (4:38 p.m.)



Recorded by:

Angela Maracle

Senior Director of Operations




Chief R. Donald Maracle