Tyendinaga Mohawk Council Minutes

May 20, 2021


A special meeting of the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council was held on Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. via Microsoft Teams video conferencing with the Tyendinaga COVID Response Team (TCRT) for an update on COVID-19.


Present:                  Chief R. Donald Maracle

Councillors: Kelly Maracle, Lynda Leween; Carl E. (Ted) Maracle; Josh Hill


Staff: David Souliere, CAO; Angela Maracle, Senior Director of Operations; Shelley Bowden, Executive Administrative Assistant; Susan Barberstock, Director of Community Wellbeing; Jason Brant, Chief, Tyendinaga Police Services; Heather Green, Director of Education; Lisa Maracle, Director of Community Services; Bryce McMurter, IT/Fibre; Tom Kring, Senior Housing Manager; Seizal Kapadia, Director of Finance; Scott Maracle, Fire Chief; Brittany Brant, Nurse in Charge; Kathleen Manderville, Director of Federal Schools; Lorrie Maracle, HR Advisor; Mike Brant, HPEDSB Trustee; Jennifer Maracle-Westgate, Principal QMS; Mike Brant, HPEDSB Trustee;


Brittany Brant provided an update on the COVID-19 stats.


Everyone left at 1:15 p.m.


Council, David Souliere, Angela Maracle, Susan Barberstock, Brittany Brant, and Callie Hill continued to discuss re-opening of Tsi Tyonnhéht Onkwawén:na Language and Cultural Centre.


MOTION #1:           Moved by Josh Hill, seconded by Kelly Maracle to approve the re-opening of the Tsi Tyonnheht Onkwawen:na Language and Cultural Centre on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 as recommended.



MOTION #2:           Moved by Kelly Maracle, seconded Lynda Leween that this meeting be adjourned. (1:33 p.m.)




Recorded by:

Shelley Bowden

Executive Administrative Assistant




Chief R. Donald Maracle