Ferry Lane Boat Launch Prelim Design [OPEN]
Project Consultation Number: MBQ-2122-001
Consultation Type: Preliminary Design
Posted By: Housing & Band Property Maintenance
Dates Posted: 02/03/2022
Comment Period: 02/23/2022 to 03/24/2022
Last Updated: 02/23/2022
This consultation closes at 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, March 24, 2022
Project Details: The existing boat launch is located at the south end of the Ferry Lane in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.
The existing boat launch consists of a cast-in-place concrete ramp bounded by a concrete curb along the east side and a concrete pier/abutment along the west side as illustrated in photos 1 to 4. The existing ramp is very deteriorated and in poor condition. There is extensive concrete spalling with exposed steel rebar, making the ramp inadequate for service. Additionally, the existing ramp slope is insufficient and limits the functionality of the ramp.
The Mohawks of Bay of Quinte (MBQ) are proposing to completely remove and replace the existing ramp and have retained Q&E Engineering Inc. (Q&E) to carry out the design and contract administration of this project.
The information provided herein is intended to provide the community with an overview of the project and incorporate any community input into the final design.
To facilitate the design, MBQ retained Cambium Inc. to complete a geotechnical investigation. A copy of the report is available for download and viewing.
MBQ also retained West Ecological Services to complete a Species-At-Risk Mitigation Plan (SARMP) for the project. All recommended mitigation measures in the SARMP as well as any additional requirements by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and Environment Canada will be implemented for this project. A copy of the SARMP is available for download and viewing.
- Several existing trees will need to be removed to facilitate the proposed work.
- The conceptual design of the proposed ramp is illustrated in the conceptual plans, available for download. Key features include:
- New ramp with the above-water portion being concrete and the below-water portion being steel grating.
- New concrete pier/abutment for a new floating dock.
- New armour stone retaining wall and revetment along each side of the launch.
- The roadway approach to the boat launch will be reconstructed.
- Please refer to the Design Brief (available for download) for further details on the conceptual design.
The current budget estimate of the project is $750,000. With a 15% contingency, the total budget is approximately $860,000. The source of funding is to be determined.
Depending on availability of funding, MBQ is proposing Fall 2022 construction with tree removal being completed separately prior to April to comply with Environmental guidelines.