Today was an exciting one for our community as we officially opened our Splash Pad! The design theme is the Creation Story, and there will soon be a story board installed depicting parts of the story for visitors.

During the grand opening, the Thanksgiving Address was given by Tsikenonnawen Doreen and the Round Dance was led by Gudgie Doreen.

The Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte would like to give some very special shoutouts:

  • MBQ Parks and Recreation Committee for working to make this dream a reality (Shelly Brant, Chris Maracle Jr., Kurtis Brant, Cassie Thompson, Melissa Maracle, Jennifer Maracle, Jamie McCourt, Josh Hill, Colin Gilroy, Emma Fowler & Richard Crouse)
  • Tyendinaga Community Development Fund Committee for graciously donating $465,000 to the project (Will Barberstock, Trevor Lewis, April Conger, Becky Brant, Gudgie Doreen & Shelley Bowden)
  • The BPM crew for their work to make the park look great after the installation and making sure the grounds are looked after
  • Keith Maracle at Tyendinaga Propane for donating the BBQ for today’s ribbon cutting